You can support the work of the Real Dog Rescue by making a donation via PayPal or Venmo.
To donate via credit card through PayPal, just click the Donate button below! (You do NOT need a PayPal account)
To donate in honor or memory of a friend, family member or pet who has touched your life in some way, please click the button below.
To donate via Venmo, scan the QR code below or Venmo @RealDogRescue
If you wish to mail your donations, send checks to: Real Dog Rescue PO Box 7106 Oakland, NJ 07436
Learn more about our special medical fund, The Copper Fund.
You can also donate items from our "Wishlist". Click Here to download our "Wishlist".
You can also donate items from our Wishlist at **Please note that while we love getting supplies off of our Amazon Wishlist, Amazon does NOT tell us who sent the gift so we will not get the opportunity to thank you personally as we would like. If you would like us to know that there is an Amazon gift on its way to us, please email If you choose to remain anonymous, please know that we extend our sincere thanks for your generosity. Thank you!
Real Dog Rescue is a non-profit organization 501(c)(3) and gifts are fully tax deductible as allowed by law.
Donations can be dropped off at:
Real Dog Rescue: 818 Wyckoff Ave Mahwah, NJ 07430